Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Wannabe Outlaw?

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjNm5exF6mI">THIS WAS INTERESTING TO WATCH..</a>
Einstein once said that he shouldn’t worry so much, that this political system had a system of checks and balances in it, I hope to hell that he was right but things has changed since his days. I’m thinking we should enjoy ourselves while we can.

Well, men and women attempt to get together for sex, but anymore it seems like a lot of them go home alone and masturbate, I’ve been stuck with it for twenty years. I’d feel better about life and myself if I had a girlfriend but I don’t so tough shit.

If I say something you think is funny it is probably by accident, I don’t sit around thinking, “I will say something funny.”

When it comes to shopping for clothes I’m pretty much a complete idiot and I’ve pretty much worn the same kind of clothes all my life, just basic stuff and I like shirts with two pockets and pants with back pockets but when it comes to shopping for them I suck. I’ll set up the sewing machine and make back pockets for those pants, can wear them for working on dirty projects and I’m always doing that. I’m like the kid in Peanuts that walks around attracting dirt.

I would not pester a woman for sex, unless she shows some interest in it it isn't going to happen. Not that I’m trying but I suppose I will piss someone off today.

Have a blessed fucking day, go kick it in the ass


  1. Shit, the link didn't work right..

    I bought two 3 speed bikes, in pretty sad shape, should end up with one good one though, I like 3 speed bikes.

  2. Peaceful and quite out there this morning, I am thankful for that.

  3. Got up too early, feed cats, back to bed for a nap.
