Wednesday, November 16, 2016


I’ve always liked getting off the beaten path and out of the rat race and go exploring down quite country roads, dirt roads if possible. There are a hell of a lot of roads in Texas not shown on a Texas road map and I think those old county and farm roads were laid out by fucking drunken cowboys on drunk horses. Get high enough in the sky and Texas must look like it has a lot of veracious veins.

Someone told me that CR 180 would take me to Brady, maybe, if I sailed like a drunken sailor, but it doubt it. It went south for a while and then swung right (no sign at the intersection saying so), I kept on going straight, went by a boneyard in the middle of nowhere where old bugs, atv’s and jet skies go to die, no idea how they find their way out there on that quite lane. Soon I came to a no trespassing sign, looked at my gps and discovered I was on a lane so back tracked to CR 180 but it was headed west and I wanted to go south.

So I hung a left on the next CR road I came to, after a while it turned and headed west also, so I hung a left on the next CR road I came to, lost track of the roads I was on but had a full tank of gas and all day to get nowhere. Had a woman been with me she might have said we where lost, na, not lost, just don’t know where the fuck we are, and don’t give a shit. Somewhere on one of those roads the water just flowed across the road.

Saw a few roadrunners, looks like they finely ran that fucking coyote to death, he’s not so Wiley now, been a few days, pretty rank.

To be continued….


  1. GPS is nice but I should also get a good paper map of the area to get a broader view of things.

  2. I agree! GPS is nice to get to an exact location, but old school paper maps are far better for exploring!

    1. I had topo maps in Washington for wandering around in the mountains there.
