Friday, August 19, 2016

When it rains here it really rains.

I think that new bartender likes to give old men hard on’s, and its always been my policy to not let a good hard on go to waste. Wap wap wap.

Ever have dreams about fixing things/problems that don’t exist so don’t need fixing. Maybe that is because I don’t really have problem that needs to be fixed, hum.

Have a blessed fucking day.


  1. I have no idea when the weather will improve so I can finish the dinghy. This isn't normal weather for here this time of year.

  2. It seems to be human nature that when one has no problem to fix, they feel the urge to create one just cuz we aren't whole without something to do, something to whine about, something that distracts us from the day to day hum drum we face every day.

  3. it's the hottest day of the year in the great pacific northwest.
