Friday, February 3, 2017

I'm liberal for Texas?

Tim said that for Texas I’m pretty liberal. I don’t know, I guess that he sees me that way but I like to think I’m a moderate, but I often bounce all over the chart, hard to label me I guess. Some folks label me as an idiot. LOL

Gene is pissed at me for saying something about something I see as a problem with him. Oh well, not my problem, his problem. If he wants to drink himself to ruin I guess that is his right, I just report life as I see and experience it. It is 2017 and a changing world, everyone can expect to see their name pop up in social media, mine has been doing so for years.

The cat that decided to take up residence on the back porch is getting on the fat side, good life if you find someone that keeps something in the food dish and she is getting pretty friendly. Acts like she would like to come inside but I don’t think I want another inside cat.

Not my cup of tea but some guys like heavy women, just like some women like bearded and tattooed guys. Guess there is someone for everyone if you can find each other.

Something I have never really noticed before, you don’t usually see/notice the color of a persons eyes unless you are pretty close to them.

If amuses me when a dumb ass bible thumper, DABT, tells me I’m going to hell, you have to believe in a place before you can go there.

Went to the library hoping they would have a cell phones for Dummy’s book but they don’t have one so I checked out Facebook for Seniors.

Carry the fuck on…


  1. more fucking snow here.

    you should be able to download the cell phone for dummies.

  2. You could also inter-library loan the book. It would take a few days, but they would find a library that has it, get it, and then you would have it.

  3. Want to have some fun...ask the kid that sold you the phone how it works.
