Sunday, July 23, 2017


No whining about your bad day…..

For years I have been saying that I’m a spiritual being having a fucked up human experience on this planet. I want to correct that now. I’M A SPIRIT HAVING A FUCKED UP HUMAN EXPERIENCE ON THIS PLANET.

Spiritual may indicate that I support one or any of the fucked up religions on this stupid fucking rock. How has that been working out for us over the last few fucking thousand years?

The weed whacker fucker whacked off one of my tomato plants. It wasn’t doing worth a shit anyway or he would be on my shit list.


  1. i'm a spiritual being too. but i'm having a great time on this planet, i've never been to a planet with better tv programs than this one.

    1. Yes, TV is cool and the other planets are pretty boring but they are peaceful.
