Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Watta mess

I made peanut butter cookies yesterday, na, I’m shitting ya, I bought a tube of them to try and see how they are. Not great but not bad.

Then I made some more pie crust dough for some cinnamon rolls and jelly tarts like we made when kids and it was another disaster. I guess I’m just not cut out for those kinds of dough’s and had better stick to cakes and pancakes and shit like that. But I mixed the mess together and baked it and it isn’t too bad, like cookies, it’ll make a turd, I’ll eat it.

Can a person use bread flour in place of all purpose flour? I have a bag of it to use up on something.

The internut…. The first great democratic medium?

Have a blessed fucking day.
Carry on, godfuckingdamnit.


  1. The cookies look good!

    The pie crust.... it does look a bit odd, I will grant you that. :)

    But take heart.... I think pie crust (recipes or premade) are all really hard to use in any non-pie fashion. I tried once or twice myself, and had similar results to what you show.

    I think bread flour and all purpose can be interchanged in MOST things without a problem. At least I have done so without a problem. I cannot think of a situation where it would not behave pretty much the same (I believe most of the times I used it, it was in a cake or cookie). I would say, if in doubt about some recipe where rising is a factor... add some baking soda to the bread flour and it should be fine.


  2. Pie crust with cinnamon and sugar such a fun treat.
    Coffee is on
