Monday, June 24, 2019


I’ve seen a lot of thrones but this one should get some kind of prize, it’s just plain weird, maybe that is why it was put out next to a dumpster.

Note to Billy: Give no one advice or opinions this week.
Note to Billy: Fuk’em..

Have a blessed fucking day.
Carry on, godfuckingdamnit.


  1. To me it looks like a homemade version of an “assist” toilet for someone with an infirmity or disability. It probably sat around and on top of the person’s existing toilet that was deemed too difficult/dangerous to use independently. It looks fairly well made, so probably the person who needed is no longer able to even use that... or perhaps their eligibility changed and they were able to get a medically approved one to replace it.


    1. It is a factory made one, maybe to use in a shower.

  2. Hmm. Very interesting that it is factory made! It LOOKS like it is made out of PVC plumbing pipes, which I have used to make a bunch of non plumbing stuff over the years.

    Your idea of it being used in a shower sounds quite plausible. Perhaps for someone who is quite incontinent.

