Sunday, June 2, 2019


I got a truck load of free moving boxes in one place yesterday so should have enough for the move.

Good turn out at the car show …..

We’re all a part of something bigger and something better. It takes time.

Have a blessed fucking day.
Carry on, godfuckingdamnit.


  1. Our local car show was also this weekend didn't go. Had a pagan get together at my place.
    Coffee is on

  2. BBC:

    Moving to Oregon seems like a really nice idea. The weather there seems to me to be much more friendly than a lot of Texas. Hopefully the area in Oregon you plan to head to is also reasonable price-wise. I know some places there sound as pricy as some parts of California.


    1. Gas there is about a buck a gallon more but I can live with that. I'll be moving to a small town so it shouldn't be as expensive as living around Portland.

  3. will your rig be able to make the trip?
