Sunday, February 4, 2018

Another fuking food post

What the hell else is there to post about? Fuck politics, bankers, wars and all that other shit. Been complaining about a lack of sex for 20 years and that is getting old also. It’s Sunday so I could bitch about god but fuk her/him/it. I could whine about the old hippie with the flip flops on her feet and chest but fuk her also.

Timothy gave me some smoked mutton so I cut it up some and made a fucking open faced sammich on rye. I seldom have lettuce and tomato and such things here so it was just a meat sammich and mayo and it was pretty fucking good. 

The cats got what I trimmed off and they thought it was pretty fucking good also.

Have a blessed fucking day.
Carry on, godfuckingdamnit


  1. i had to look up mutton.....
    nice that you shared with the kitties!

  2. There is a storage closet on the back porch, I happened to look out the instant a cat paw was sticking out under it or that kitten would have been stuck in there until late this afternoon when I put more food out.

  3. you should post a picture of u in your navy uniform if u have one......that would be neat to see!
