Monday, July 15, 2019

Your butt stinks

I arrived at the bayou in the morning just as the sun was coming up so its morning rays got to admire my pecker for a while, and slather some vitamin D on it. Fished for two hours but didn’t get a fish….. fucking fish. But it was a pleasant and peaceful two hours at the bayou.

Read the book by a female author for a while, she sure does like to talk about her fuck buddies cock and how much she loves it. Told her brothers to back off cuz it’s her pussy and she can do what she wants to do with it, bless her little heart.

A man and his little daughter came and launched a kayak and after he got her settled in the back he stepped in and was using body motions to shove them off the ramp and she said, “Wow, your butt stinks.” hahahahaha

Have a blessed fucking day.
Carry on, godfuckingdamnit.

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