Sunday, March 18, 2018

Wuz you Irish yesterday?

Anyone can be Irish for a day.

I went to the Red Wagon yesterday to meet Leon Shield and the beautiful Edna Jo Riggs Saiz was also there so we all shared a booth and visited for a while.

Leaving there I spotted Garret Mullins, the fuking pot pusher so I stopped to visit with him for a few minutes, interesting morning.

Have a blessed fucking day.
Carry on, godfuckingdamnit.


  1. Hah! Great pictures. Does the green in your hair wash out the first time or does it stay green a few days?

    Is Garrett someone famous in Texas in terms of trying to get marijuana legal, or just someone you know locally who promotes it?

  2. The green is just a light tint after washing it once and is gone in the next washing. Garret got busted for pot locally and is now on a mission and going state wide soon.

  3. I never noticed before now that you wear glasses!

  4. I never knew how you look - where did I miss a picture. Happy to meet you, sir. Green is a good color.
