Friday, August 28, 2020

 I think Carrol said her home was built in the 30’s, and in my humble fucking opinion some of the repairs and upgrades over the years have just been bandaids. In the 60’s some idiot picked up a skill saw and decided they was a carpenter and added a carport and some storage, there is nothing about that piece of shit that has ever been right.

Carrol turned the storage room into a laundry room, I’m working on improving the damn framing around the door and will install a good door, the best I can anyway. If she could afford it I would just tear that wall down and build a new one, there isn’t a square angle on it anywhere and from the bottom to the top there is about a four inch lean, should be fun getting a door to work half way decent.

I seem to have a liver or gallbladder problem, will go have it checked out if it gets to bad,  hell, I’m getting old and have had pretty trouble free health most of my life but I guess we all start falling apart with age.

Anyway, have a fucking blessed day. 


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