I don’t have any issue with AOC, I’m just being a
little shit.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Friday, August 28, 2020
I think Carrol said her home was built in the 30’s, and in my humble fucking opinion some of the repairs and upgrades over the years have just been bandaids. In the 60’s some idiot picked up a skill saw and decided they was a carpenter and added a carport and some storage, there is nothing about that piece of shit that has ever been right.
Carrol turned the storage room into a laundry room, I’m working on improving the damn framing around the door and will install a good door, the best I can anyway. If she could afford it I would just tear that wall down and build a new one, there isn’t a square angle on it anywhere and from the bottom to the top there is about a four inch lean, should be fun getting a door to work half way decent.I seem to have a liver or gallbladder problem, will go have it checked out if it gets to bad, hell, I’m getting old and have had pretty trouble free health most of my life but I guess we all start falling apart with age.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Pretty damn old
Early yesterday morning we (me and the old gal up the street) headed for Grosvenor cuz Edna Saiz lives up there at the end of a cow trail the covered wagons never even got to 100 years ago but I found her place. She told me she had an old riding mower I could have, got there and discovered that it was a Wizard, hell, that is an old Western Auto brand and they haven’t been around for years. But I brought it home, maybe I’ll make it into something, maybe I’ll do some trading for it.
Hey, did Google and Facebook get married?
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Change of plans
Didn’t work on the door project yesterday, the old gal decided to do laundry and today I’m going north for a ways for a riding mower of questionable usefulness.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
I bought a cheap ass light weight trailer, just for the hell of it I guess, yesterday I checked and repacked the wheel bearings cuz it’s a pain in the ass to have a bearing go out on you when you got other shit to do.
After I have my coffee and polish my pecker this morning I’m gonna go work on a door frame and door, hopefully I can improve the framing some.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Monday, August 24, 2020
I agree
I mostly agree with this, even those that worked hard and got lucky enough to get richer than some earned it.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
And you are done with all that fucking paper work, this fucking planet has way too fucking much paper work on it.
Yesterday I went and got a nice free door cuz some old gal up the street needs a better door for her laundry room, also got some good walnut door frame pieces free, no point in good stuff going to the landfill.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Real low...
Not that I’ve lived here all that long but this is as
low as I’ve seen the bayou.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Friday, August 21, 2020
I want....
In my dreams last night I designed coffee filter
masks.. Hahahahaha
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
I’ve always said that English is a piece of shit, I was doing some research online on trannys, um, automatic transmissions in P.T. Cruisers, not the ones that gets their balls turned inside out or some shit like that. Anyway, the letters POC popped up a number of times. There was a time when POC stood for ‘piece of crap’, now it seems like it stands for a number of things not related to transmissions at all. I guess these days, politically correct or not, POS is now the proper term, cuz we’re now cultured and all that shit.
After going to bed my mind started fucking around with these terms and I’m now more confused than ever. So now a POC is a ‘person of color’ instead of just a fucking nigga, spick, wap, honkey and such? Hey, white is a color also. And what about ‘point of contact’? Shit, maybe it is a Part Of Color and the lazy fucking part just doesn’t wanna work? This cracker is now more confused than ever.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Monday, August 17, 2020
Dryer and hotter than a popcorn fart to a foot of Texas mud in a boink.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Damn hoppers
I was fixing to take a picture of a big green grasshopper like the one in the picture I got off of the internut just when the sumbitch flew off. Then I noticed that it had eaten a hole in the screen I put up recently. I guess down here you need to use steel screens to keep the fucking hoppers from eating them.
Make sure you stop and smell some flowers today, before the fucking grasshoppers eat them all. Oh, and have a fine Sunday, just remember that my god can whip your gods ass, or, depending on her mood, suck his dick.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Sure this is an old meme…… just posting it as a friendly reminder. Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Too damn hot for this damn yankee to do much in this Texas heat, even too damn hot for a lot of Texans. But I did get the deck off the mower yesterday.
You know, I’ll bet that the restaurant at the end of the universe doesn’t need refrigeration.
Democracy may be messy but Capitalism doesn't rest until it controls everything.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Weak motor mounts
Yesterday I just fiddled with a riding mower for a while in the morning, in the afternoon I worked on filling an old motor mount with glue gun plastic, not sure if that will work but I think it will, some motor mounts are expensive. Boy, pumping a glue stick gun so much is hard on the hands, much harder than jacking off. Then I got smart and started melting three cut up sticks at a time in a tuna fish can. Um, just cuz I do shit like that doesn’t mean you should try it, I’ve been doing this shit all my life.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
The new formatting here sucks...
Folks that have known me for years know that I’m fond of saying, “Permits? We don’t need no fucking permits.” There is a number of auto repair and hobby shops next to the kop shop and that is where the Pumpkin was when I bought her, with expired tabs and a non running engine and I needed to get her to where I can work on her, when I get around to it, other projects are ahead of her.
And the tabs on the pick-up expired a year ago, what the hell, don’t use it much these days. Sooooo, early Sunday morning we snuck over there in it with a tow strap and pulled the Pumpkin to where it will be for a while, had to use a major street for a ways but there wasn’t a kop in sight.
I swear, the year that rig was made they must have put every option on her including on screen navigation. I suppose I’ll just get her running and sell her, I don’t need four rigs.
For those of you that pray about us outlaws, send me a beer.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Pain in the arse...
A mask is more of a bitch when it is hot, I figure that if it is to hot to polish my pecker it is to hot for a mask so I just stay home in the A/C.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Friday, August 7, 2020
All my life
REUSE – REPURPOSE – RECYCLE….. I have always been that way, even as a kid. So when I spot things others have put out at the curb for others to take that shit always gets my attention. In recent months I’ve picked up three aluminum screen doors, an old broad up the street has always wanted one on her carport door so she re-screened one with screen left over from the porch project and I installed it for her.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Wheeler dealer
I’m a wheeling dealing sumbitch now, I picked up this honey yesterday for 420 bucks. The pictures look like shit but it is a real nice looking rig. It remains to be seen if I can fix it cheap though. If I decide it will cost to much to fix it I can always use it for a storage shed.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
I guess if you own a fucking P.T. Cruiser you may as well own two fucking P.T Cruisers. So now I have the Silver Slut and the Black Bitch, she has a stick shift, yea!! Get a couple more and I’ll have a whole fucking harem.
Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.