Sunday, November 8, 2020

Old Crosley

Took a bit of a slack day yesterday, did work on the bastard bolt some but it takes a while using Harbor Freight drill bits. It’s only a ten mm bolt, a wonder it didn’t snap off when they installed it so tight. Meanwhile there was an old Crosley at Auto Zone, to put things in perspective they were only about half the size of an old Jeep station wagon, would be a cool little rig to tool around town in.

Anyway, have a fucking blessed day.


  1. Now, that brings back memories! Damn cool!

    Never see any anymore around here because of the winter salt. But, hell, we hardly see a vehicle from the 1980s even because of the salt.

  2. Replies
    1. I have the electric scooter but seldom use it.

  3. I remember the bread guy who delivered bread, had rig like that.
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on
