Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Good match

Have always said that I’m not that good with bodywork and that is still true but yesterday I decided to work a bit on the dent at the tail light when I bought the Silver Slut. At least get it smoothed out a little better and get some paint on it to protect it.

My body puddy is old and cranky so I’ll get a new tube and work on it a little more someday but for now it is at least better. Got lucky and a can of rattle can paint is a real close match. Have a fucking blessed day.  


  1. You have really made that vehicle nice with all the various things you have done. And the proof of its reliability now after your long trip also speaks of your skill.

    That “teardrop” design of the tail light is interesting and a little odd. It seems like it must have been used only a year or two.... other years have a deign that is a bit different it seems since I still see a lot of them on the road. What year is it, again?


    1. 2006, they all have the same tail light.

  2. Hmm. I guess a lot of folks in my area have been putting on aftermarket versions. I just looked and there are a ton of them for that vehicle! It must be a “thing” to do if you are really into “modifying” that car to look more “retro” I guess.

