My fucking Maytag is only bout two years old and I never have liked the motherfucker. Yesterday it sounded like it was falling apart so after removing the clothes I checked for a loose tub and such.
Noticed some coins (four) between the swash plate and the tub and fished them out, one penny was worn pretty well so make sure you check the pockets for small items. I will know when I do the next load if the crunching noise is gone, I think the parts have a five year warranty but I won’t fuck with it if the piece of shit is going bad.
I’ll buy a new machine with a real agitator in it instead of just a fucking swash plate.
Teach the bible in public schools? What a moron, but Trump isn’t a complete idiot, parts of him are missing.
Have a blessed fucking day.
Carry on, godfuckingdamnit.