Tuesday, January 23, 2018


I’m heading to Abilene at 7am this morning, will the Pissant Express make it there and back? We’ll find out. I’ll take tools and extra water and blah blah blah. During my many travels I’ve always managed to deal with problems and breakdowns.  You know, shit happens deal with it.

If our generation didn't make things better how can the next? And don't tell me by voting, we've been trying that shit for many years. Looks to me like you can hate everything, have two wife's and a number of cocksucking girlfriends and own six whorehouses and become president.

You had better buy some of those fucking cookies or those girls may burn your homes down. Next time that carnival comes to town I’m riding that fucking ferris wheel. An immaculate house is the sign of a misspent life.

I don’t know shit about Abilene but there is a nice song about it.

Have a blessed fucking day.
Carry on, godfuckingdamnit

1 comment:

  1. LOL You'll love it there. They have more churches that gas stations. I haven't been there since 1970 but at that time you had to join a club to have a beer. We had to get away from the base to get better beer that 3.2 swill was sad.
