Sunday, January 22, 2017

Yup, another Sunday

 “My girlfriend thinks that I'm a stalker. Well, she's not exactly my girlfriend yet.” HAHAHAHAHAHA. Just some humor, don’t have a girlfriend. Have sort of known a woman since moving here but she is set on marrying a rich man so she doesn’t pay any attention to the rest of us. I predict that she will still be single ten years from now, be an old spinster.

There is no rule in this universe that the spirits have to believe in the gods in the books a bunch of monkeys wrote. If you must pray go ahead but don’t pray to my god cuz she doesn’t give a shit.

Do religious people really live longer? There is no proof of that at all, agnostics often out live them. The dogma that there is a god out that cares about you is just foolish thinking cowboy up. While believers waste time praying agnostics are busy doing what they need to do to keep on keeping on, and helping others.

I don’t like it when others thank god when I help them, fuck god, it wasn’t that worthless bastard that did the work, but I repeat myself. I haven’t prayed since I was a teenager and learned that crap just doesn’t work. If there was a god that gave a crap about you you wouldn’t need the help of others.

You know why a lot of young folks aren’t making much progress on bettering their lives? Social media, it is like a mental illness they are addicted to. Spend way too much time on it myself but at least I’m retired so it isn’t like I have work hard at life anymore.

Carry on….


  1. Of course christian's live longer the poor bastards are afraid to die.

    1. They claim to love god and jesus so much I don't understand why the don't want to go live with them.

    2. Oh they play along but uncertainty can be a bitch. A lot of words got left on the cutting room floor at the Council of Nicea.

  2. they make pink duct tape if you want to be romantic.
