Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Going away

I have 12 cinder blocks with some concrete on the bottoms of them I wanted to get rid of, a lady on freecycle was looking for some so I’m glad to let her have them so I don’t have to figure out how to get rid of them. Now if I could just give away a bunch of other building blocks I have that would be good.

The painters canvas I’m putting on the dinghy has a seam through the middle of it and I won’t want it there so will cut it out and put it on in two pieces, just overlap it some.

Flow over the bullshit.


  1. I promise you all, my fellow Americans, that I will continue to make promises that I will be unable to fulfill. (Pat Paulsen)

  2. Putting it on in two pieces will make the canvas more manageable.

  3. Getting rid of one's trash/treasures is a daunting task.
    I have so much stuff that I know someone would want or need but I just don't have the energy to find homes for it all.

  4. The blocks were already on the property and I have no need for them and want them out of the way.

  5. i've got rid of a lot of cinder blocks with a sledge hammer.

    1. These have cement on the bottoms of them, that would be a lot of work.

  6. Free cinder blocks? If you were a couple of blocks closer, I might come get them. Can never have too many concrete blocks kicking around.
